Uncertainty Principle and Software Development

Uncertainty principle in completely successful software development

Because software development is an intrinsically creative process it is expected that uncertainty plays an important role. In this blog post I will discuss an uncertainty principle in developing software.

Before and during a software development process it is not possible to simultaneously minimize the uncertainty of several development criteria.

Read more: Uncertainty Principle and Software Development


The Sportlink Ecosystem

The Sportlink Ecosystem

In this whitepaper we will present a high level overview of various aspects of the Sportlink system that is used by a large number of sports associations in the Netherlands. The main purpose of this white paper is to give the reader a basic understanding of the complexity of the system and to some extent the methodology and architecture that was used to harness this complexity.

Please download the article and tell us what you think.



Test Driven Requirements engineering

Test Driven Requirements Engineering

If you are interested in a design methodology that will greatly reduce the time needed to communicate with your clients and developers, you should learn about Test Driven Requirements engineering. We have written an insightful article about how we at Dexels implement this method into our software implementation projects.

The extended interest that this method gets, merits a blog written in English. We are currently in the process of writing this blog, and gradually translating the Dutch article to English.

The first rule of TDR is to vizualize the design

Read the first blog post in the news section of our site!


Dexels joins "Wij Stoppen Ook" initiative

Wij stoppen ook met IE6The Dutch initiative "Wij stoppen ook" ("We also quit") was created after Google's announcement that they'll quit fully supporting Internet Explorer 6 at March 1, 2010. On the www.wijstoppenook.nl website companies can register their name and support Google in this step. Although newer versions of Internet Explorer (7 and 8) have been available for some time, IE6 market share is still stuck at somewhere around 13% and not dwindling fast (only a few percentage points each month).


It is time for companies to see the need for upgrading their browsers and maybe the IT industry can lend some force to this goal.


Read more: Dexels joins "Wij Stoppen Ook" initiative


iPhone introduction to KNVB end users

Dexels introduces iPhone app to the KNVBYesterday I payed a visit to the KNVB headquarters in Zeist where Dexels introduced its iPhone application. After feverishly working for 4 months, we were able to deliver a piece of software both our own organization and our client, the KNVB, can be proud of.

In two separate sessions the couple of dozen or so officials who are the end users of the application were gracefully introduced to the application's merits and functionality whereafter they could try it on their own. Dozens of brand new shining iPhones were handed out and everyone was engrossed in the process of sifting through something which would become an integral part of their everyday li fe.


Read more: iPhone introduction to KNVB end users


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