The Navajo Framework

The product to set up a Service Oriented Architecture

All elements of our architecture and developing strategy originate from the way we transform complex IT issues into workable solutions. Our products are designed to enable to realize a fully service oriented organization.

With Navajo Dexels is one of a handful of companies who has proven itself in this market in the Netherlands. Our solutions in the sports industry, among others the KNVB, provide information on a daily basis for over 10 sports unions, 6.000 teams, 30.000 officials and millions of players and fans.


The diversity of systems built with Navajo have lead to a very extensive library and tools

NavajoServer: An environment with which to offer and consume webservices. Contains among other things support for multiple protocols, extensive security and authorization, workflow-management, monitoring, logging, integrity-controle and server clustering.
NavaScript: A scripting language, meant to define services. Besides a large number of standard adapters to connect to databases, file-systems or mail-servers, this language is designed in a way that makes it easy to understand and expand.
TML: A version of XML to exchange data. TML is meant to enable fast reading and translation.
Tipi: An exhaustive language to develop user interfaces build on top a service layer. With Tipi and Navajo we are able to build a working application in a matter of days.


That Navajo is a special product, was acknowledged by Sun Microsystems in 2007 with the Duke’s Choice Award. We received this award at the Java One conference in San Fransisco from James Gosling the “father of Java”. These awards are presented yearly to a select number of organizations in separate branches.


No less a person than Robert Brewin, CTO of Sun would later comment on Navajo in the next piece:

"Hmm. My sleeper hit would be this interesting project I saw from this dutch company - Dexels. This is an approach for using scripting to create applications that are using web services. They have rolled this out in the Netherlands to hook up sports bars [editor: sport clubs] to data feeds from sporting events. On one side they are providing a declarative model for creating arbitrary UIs on top of their framework, but the cool part is the underlying piece that does all the web service interaction. If I were going to pick one thing to tell people to go look at, that would be it."

Dexels BV, Grasweg 67, 1031 HX, Amsterdam Noord, t. +31 (0)20 490 4977, e.