The KNVB has got a lot of publications which need to be made accessible for the audience. The designated place for is is the website or with the new These documents however need to be able to be management in a secure environment. That’s why Dexels has made a tool for these stakeholders to save documents in the union database and a front-end solution to effectively search in these documents. These tools are called “Downloads and Documents”.

Client: KNVB

Numbers and facts: 700 - 1.100 visitors a day, 200.000 query requests a year, over 500 documents.

Demo: (go to “downloads en documenten”),

Build with: CSS, HTML, JavaScript, PHP, Navajo web services (front-end); Java Web Start, Tipi XML, Navajo web services (back-end)

Runs on: An Apache Lucene search engine, a standard webserver and a Navajo application server

Service rendered: Design, realization, testing, hosting, technical and functional service management.

Project time elapsed: 3 months

Connections: Sportlink Client

Dexels BV, Grasweg 67, 1031 HX, Amsterdam Noord, t. +31 (0)20 490 4977, e.