A large part of the information clubs share with their members is placed on websites. To make it easier to publish their own website a number of products have been launched under the overall name of Sportlink Clubsites. With these products clubs are able without the use of copy/paste to offer programs and scores on their website. The Clubsites offer a final step from union to member itself, because members can log on at their own clubsite to see their matches in one glance.
Clients: Al clubs of associated unions using the Sportlink Club application.
Numbers and facts: We’re still running a pilot. At the moment about 50 clubs use the Sportlink Clubsite. Depending on the size of the club these sites have to deal with 3.000 viewers a day. With the aid of personified information at the level of individual members, this product has the potential to be addressed on a weekly basis by every member.
Demo: www.alwaysforward.nl, hhc09.slclubsite.nl, www,svspero.nl
Build with: CSS, HTML, JavaScript, PHP, Joomla CMS, Navajo Joomla plugin, Navajo web services
Runs on: A standard web server with a MySQL database, data from the union- and club application are being retrieved through Navajo.
Service rendered: Advice, design, realization, test, hosting, technical and functional service management
Project time elapsed: 6 months
Connections: Sportlink Client en Sportlink Club Modules: a plugin variant to take in the own website and one with a fully hosted CMS as a replacement of the current site. With the last variant members are able to log on en keep track of their own data.